28 players have been signed up for this competition as of 7:33 PM Friday 4th October
Huw Bell (8.6) |
Ben Bennett (14.7) |
David Bidwell (26.5) |
Sue Bidwell (21.9) |
George Caley (34.8) |
Steve Caley (15.9) |
Ian Coote (12.3) |
Mick Freeman (30.4) |
Colin Gilbert (22.9) |
John Humphreys (38.4) |
Marjory Humphreys (37.9) |
John Johnson (20.5) |
Stuart Knight (12.5) |
Richard Lane (9.1) |
Adam McDonnell (10.6) |
Stephen McDonnell (23.0) |
James Mowatt (9.1) |
Jonathan Mowatt (12.3) |
Eileen Mowatt-de-Graaf (27.5) |
Tony Oakes (32.4) |
Dave Rowell (18.5) |
Stuart Steverson (25.7) |
Keith Taylor (23.1) |
Elizabeth Toby (28.9) |
Graham Toby (22.3) |
Paul Toby (14.2) |
Oliver Wright (35.8) |
Phil Wright (8.7) |